Monday, May 25, 2020
Criminal Justice Research Paper - 6315 Words
1. Fred is drunk and driving his dad’s car. Fred is a 21 year old student at Columbia College. Fred rams into a parked car at 10th and Rogers. Thinking no one saw him; Fred moves his car and parks it on an adjacent lot. He sprints to his dorm room in Miller Hall. A neighbor saw the wreck and Fred running to the dorm. Police are called and they arrive ten minutes after the wreck. The officers see several empty beer cans and a bottle of tequila (half full) in the front seat. The tags are traced to Fred’s dad, who is called by police. Dad says that Fred is a student at Columbia College. Police run Freds record and determine that he has two prior DWIs within the past five years. The third DWI in 10 years is a felony. Police contact†¦show more content†¦Determining for sure whether there are grounds to object to the search and seizure requires review of all of the reports regarding the case. Depending on the nature and quantity of the drugs seized, this c ould possibly be a serious case. In any event, the person involved should consult with a criminal defense attorney or, if he cannot afford private counsel, with the public defender if he is charged. Officer had probable cause to affect a traffic stop after he observed defendant following too closely. Defendants and passengers behavior after stop provided reasonable suspicion to expand the detention, and a positive drug dog sniff provided basis for search of vehicle. Im not aware of reason that the interpretation of the 4th Amendment would be any different in Oklahoma than it is in any other state. All states have to follow the US Supreme Courts decisions on 4th Amendment issues. It would be true that once an officer has conducted a pat down search and determined that there are no weapons, he is not allowed to go further in searching without either consent or a warrant. On the other hand, it is not the law anywhere that such a search must be limited to the feel of a gun. Any object which might possibly be used as a weapon can beShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper on Criminal Justice908 Words  | 4 Pages September 8, 2010 English Class The field of Criminal Justice has so many different career paths that anyone can succeed in and it’s for that reason I have picked the Forensic Science path to explore. There are a number of reasons why I have chosen to explore and get an education in this career. The specialization of Forensic Science within the Criminal Justice is right for me because I feel that families should have closure, I feel that people who don’tRead MoreResearch Process and Terminology Essay808 Words  | 4 PagesResearch Process and Terminology This paper is about the terminology used in research and the processes in which are used in research. In this paper the reader will learn how not knowing the proper terminology can have an effect on someone that is trying to conduct a criminal justice research project. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Workers Compensation Is Not A New Concept Essay
Introduction Workers Compensation is not a new concept, in fact its origins can be dated as far back as 2050 B.C where it is written in The Nippur Tablet No. 3191 from ancient Sumeria in the law of Ur-Nammu, king of the city-state of Ur. The law of Ur provided monetary compensation for specific injury to workers body parts, including fractures (Guyton, 1999, p. 106). This type of compensation or schedules for payment based on loss continued until the Middle Ages when feudalism became the primary structure of government. During this feudalistic period the feudal lord determined what, if any, injuries were compensable. The Lord had a moral obligation because of their standing had an obligation to care for their workers, this expectation was called the doctrine of noblesse oblige (Guyton, 1999, p. 106). This system continued on until the periods of the industrial revolution. During the early industrial revolution English common law provided the legal framework for compensation in Europe and America. The decision as to whether injuries were compensable were based on three rules: 1. Was there contributory negligence, was the worker responsible for his injury? If so the employer was not at fault. 2. Were the injuries the result of negligence by another employee or Fellow servant? If so the employer was not held liable and 3. Was there an assumption of risk if employees knew the hazards of their jobs they assumed the risk that came along with it. In these instances anShow MoreRelatedManaging An Effective Workforce Ie People Essay1512 Words  | 7 Pagesresources are men, material, machinery and money. Out of these, I believe that ‘men’ ie humans are the most important because they are the ones that effectively and strategically employ and use the other resources/factors of production. 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This term paper also supports and further solidifies the concept that there is a directRead MoreThe Importance of HRM in an Organization1798 Words  | 7 Pagesliquidity to shore up its balance sheet (Isidore, 2011).Other competitors who cater specifically to the middle class consumer have also lost significant amounts of market share as consumers trade down due to the economy. These contrasting results prove how hiring competent individuals, particularly in the retail industry, can provide great results even in an environment with lackluster demand. Retail is such that constantly changes. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Capitalism Is A Social System Essay - 2034 Words
For several centuries, capitalism, or more precisely free market capitalism has dominated the economies of several developing countries around the world. Capitalism, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as â€Å"an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market†(â€Å"Capitalism†, n.d.). Capitalism is a social system which is based on individual rights in the free market and is run based on the idea of a â€Å"laissez-faire†economy, an economy that is free of government control and intervention. A capitalist system is operated by private corporations in business sectors with the main incentive of gaining profits from the free market through the exchange of consumer goods and services. Therefore, capitalism is generally perceived to allow f or more economic freedom and competition in the market to produce quality consumer goods and services in exchange of commodities, including wage-labour. Generally, as private corporations in various business sectors gain profits in the market, they can then use a portion of their profits to contribute towards further building their commodities. This means that the value of labour increases as workers are provided with higher wages for their labour work. Thus, overall, free market capitalism supposedly allows for all members ofShow MoreRelatedCapitalism And Social And Economic Systems1761 Words  | 8 Pagesthat separates us from the majority of the animal world is our management of social and economic systems. While many political, economic, and social systems attempt to get rid of this form of natural selection, capitalism and related economic structures conserve social inconsistencies in many forms. Based on history, this conservation of financial inequality has attained a better standard of living overall than the systems were originally created for just that. The financial benefits and luxuries ofRead MoreCapitalism is an Oppressive Economic and Social System869 Words  | 4 Pagesis that we live in such a society and the main cause of this oppression of the masses is our economic and social system, Capitalism.     Capitalism is an oppressive economical and social system. It serves as a tool used by the rich minority to oppress, divide and control our society, our relationships and our governments. These divisions created by the capitalistic economic and social system have been blamed for many of the disparities in our society by conflict theory philosophers such as Karl MarxRead MoreThe Works Of Richard Robbins : Global Problem And The Culture Of Capitalism1268 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, and Allan Johnson, Privilege, Power, and Difference, address privilege, inequality, and capitalism through sociological and historical references. Through reading and analyzing these works along with our class lectures it has become apparent that there is a clear relationship between these systems. Capitalism causes and enforces systems of inequality and privilege. Capitalism is able to do this through the construct of social reality, th e matrix of capitalistRead MoreCapitalism : Benefits And Drawbacks Essay823 Words  | 4 PagesCapitalism: Benefits and Drawbacks Every year around christmas, a plethora of angry people proclaim the sins of capitalism. These people claim that America’s fixation on material goods and other key elements of capitalism completely destroy the true meaning of what is supposed to be a holy holiday. They cite the people suffering in other countries who make America’s products, as well as many other credible arguments against the morality of a free-trade market. What these people refuse to acknowledgeRead MoreMarxist Theory On Capitalism And Communism1468 Words  | 6 Pagesthat shape and affect the social life of individuals. Marx studied the work of Hegel, however rejected his predecessor’s focus on ideals because he recognized an essential connection with the problems of society and individuals and the material conditions of the society (Ritzer 2011: 21). Marx employed materialism in two facets of his theoretical work, historical materialism and dialectical materialism. Materialism is a ce ntral component of Marx’s study of Capitalism and theoretical developmentRead MoreThe Obligations Of An Eighteenth Century Merchant923 Words  | 4 PagesSo the obligations of an eighteenth century merchant were not only a financial consideration, but a social contract between peers. Those who fell outside of this social order would quickly find themselves cut off from the other members of their profession. This exclusion from the social fraternity could effectively end a merchant house, so the majority of merchants observed these social relationships with due diligence. Merchants began business ventures for a multitude of reasons; travel, adventureRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Industrial Revolution1214 Words  | 5 Pageseconomies and as a consequence a division of labour was formed. Therefore the capitalist system is seen as a natural consequence of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period in which societies became industrial due to there being an increase in new manufacturing processes which transitioned from hand production methods to the development of machines and the rise of the factory system. The process of industrialisation largely affected the division of labour due to the increaseRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book What Every Environmentalist Needs Can Know About Capitalism 1194 Words  | 5 PagesBook Review (what every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism) To begin this critical review of this book, the brief and precise introduction and summary of the whole book is needed before discussing with the authors’ main arguments. However, this book is mainly emphasizing the magic relations between the capitalism and current environmental problems. In the other words, while there are some people who argued that the capitalism thinking is necessarily required for addressing all of theRead MoreWorkforce Education : The Nexus Between Capitalism And Democracy780 Words  | 4 PagesEducation: the Nexus between Capitalism and Democracy. She discusses how democracy and capitalism are at odds on the subject. Her article surmises key players in the debate including Thurow, Prosser and Dewey. While summarizing the varying views, she concludes that democracy and capitalism have managed to survive and even flourish together for many years and that human capital is a key component in both views. Summary Wendy Gilpin believes that capitalism and democracy appear to be theRead MoreDisadvantages Of Capitalism1594 Words  | 7 Pagesinto action. The concept of capitalism is a very important concept to the United States and many other countries whose citizens value freedom and independency. Capitalism has many different aspects to it. First, capitalism is a social system. The trade and industry of a capitalist country is based off of private owners and not the government. Capitalism is centered around the rights of the individuals. It allows the individual to make his or her own decisions. Capitalism is usually open to new ideas
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Events of Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac free essay sample
During World War II, the military needed an unbreakable code to keep information from the enemy, which is how the Navajo Marines contributed. They helped develop the top secret code that was used to transmit messages by radio. The men that carried the radios and spoke the language had to endure the same harsh battles as every other marine. My book, Code Talker, by Joseph Bruchac, covered the Navajo Marines in World War II, which had a profound impact on the life of the main character in the book because he was a code talker that fought within the Pacific Theatre.Throughout the novel, there were many historical events that affected my main character. Those main events included the attack on Pearl Harbor, the invasions in the Pacific Theatre, and the bombing of Japan. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U. S. fleet in Pearl Harbor, which caused the United States to get involved in the war. We will write a custom essay sample on Events of Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once involved, the military, including the Navajo Marines, invaded many islands in the Pacific Theatre. Two of those invasions included American victories on the islands of Guam and Guadalcanal.The last main events were the bombings of Japan. On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Those two attacks caused Japan to surrender and led to the end of World War II. The main historical events impacted my main character in various ways. The attack on Pearl Harbor triggered the recruiting process for Navajos fluent in both Navajo and English. As soon as Ned Begay, my main character, learned about the recruiting, he wanted to enlist.When the invasions began, Begay had to get a quick understanding of the war. On each island, he dealt with a new situation. He quickly learned his own tactics that helped him to stay alive. With every battle, Ned saw something that would remain in his head and the whole time he was gone, he missed his sacred homeland. The atomic bombings are what caused the relief that spread over him when he was finally able to return. Not only did the historical events affect the characters, they also impacted the setting and the plot.Once Ned Begay had enlisted in the army, he had to travel a lot and visit many different places. For example, he was sent to Fort Defiance for training before being shipped to the Pacific. The marines had to spend a lot of time at different bases on at least eight different islands. With the setting taking place over such a large area, it changed naturally. Lastly, the plot seemed to develop with every setting change. One example of this is losing a character in battle. There were always new goals and conflicts with every invasion.The attack on Pearl Harbor, the invasions in the Pacific Theatre, and the bombing of Japan are all historical events that helped shape the novel. These specific events impacted the main character by causing him to enlist, to learn how to survive as a code talker, and to stay strong until he could return to his homeland. The events also caused the setting to change and the plot to develop. Code Talker, written by Joseph Bruchac, was about a Navajo boy as he fought as a code talker in World War II.
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