Thursday, August 27, 2020
Benefits of Biomedical Research Using Animals Essay
Advantages of Biomedical Research Using Animals - Essay Example Bosom malignancy is the most widely recognized in American ladies (American Cancer Society). Then again, I experienced the signs and indications to comprehend what my auntie was encountering. The site recorded side effects like expanding in parts of the bosom, disturbance of the skin, torment in the bosom or areola, and in some cases release from the areola (American Cancer Society). In addition, I likewise learned of how cells of malignant growth develop in a wild way and represent the danger of spreading to different pieces of the body in what is known as metastasis. After a visit to the oncologist, my auntie level of malignancy was supposed to be a phase that couldn't be controlled through careful methods. Subsequently, the main choice feasible at the time was the utilization of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy helps in lessening the development of malignant growth cells in the body (American Cancer Society). My auntie was set on a blend of chemotherapy tamoxifen and Herceptin. In any case, chemotherapy has been related with the symptoms in human gratitude to the ongoing advancement that has empowered improvement of medications that mitigates reactions. One of such medications that my auntie needed to depend on was Herceptin. The medication demonstrations by concentrating on explicit hereditary modification and consequently has empowered in the decrease of symptoms, for example, male pattern baldness and sickness that is run of the mill in another type of treatments (UCLA). The efficacies of these medications that have been useful to my auntie have been demonstrated through creature research. The advancement of these medications has been conceivable through concentrated exploration that has been done on creatures (rodents) (Animal Research Info). It is the distinguishing proof of estrogen receptor (ER) in the research center that has made it conceivable to portray the objective site explicitness of estrogen activity in bosom malignant growth (Jensen and Jordan 1). During the 1970s, there was thought of the utilization of ER as an objective for therapeutics.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Individual and Group Test of Intelligence
Singular versus bunch test Individual insight tests * There are two significant sorts of knowledge test, those directed to people and thsoe regulated to gatherings. * The two primary individual insight tests are the: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Test (see Murphy and Davidshofer, 2001, Chap. 13) Wechsler tests, I. e. WISC for youngsters and WAIS for grown-ups (see Murphy and Davidshofer, 2001, Chap. 13) * These are singular insight tests which require one-on-one conference with the child.The tests include different verbal and non-verbal subtests which can be consolidated to give a general IQ, yet which additionally give important separate subtest scores and measures dependent on the social reactions of the youngster to the test things. * Some of the substance of these tests is plainly culture-stacked, thus there is the:Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children †a later test which endeavors to limit social bias.The test likewise endeavors to isolate solidified and liquid knowledge. G athering insight tests * Group-controlled knowledge tests include a progression of various issues and are commonly utilized in mass testing circumstances, for example, the military and schools. * Examples of gathering tests are: Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, The Cognitive Abilities test, Scholastic Assessment Tests * There has been a pattern towards the utilization of numerous decision items.Many of proposals tests have independently coordinated sub-tests. A significant qualification made between kinds of things is verbal and non-verbal. As of late there has been a pattern away from verbal and numerical things towards non-verbal spoke to issues in pictures. * Part of the purpose behind moving endlessly from verbal-based tests, specifically, is the issue of culture-stacking. Points of interest of gathering tests: * can be regulated to exceptionally huge numbers all the while * streamlined inspector job scoring regularly progressively objective * enormous, agent tests frequently utilized prompting better settled standards Disadvantages of gathering tests: * analyst has less chance to set up affinity, acquire collaboration, and keep up intrigue * not promptly recognized if examinee worn out, on edge, unwell * proof that genuinely upset kids improve on individual than bunch tests * examinee’s reactions increasingly limited ordinarily an individual is tried on all things in a gathering test and may become fatigue over simple things and disappointed or on edge over troublesome things * Individual tests commonly accommodate the analyst to pick things dependent on the test takers earlier reactions †moving onto very troublesome things or back to simpler things. So singular tests offer greater adaptability.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Working Hard But Still No Traffic Towards Your BLOG
Working Hard â€" But Still No Traffic Towards Your BLOG Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!Working Hard But Still No Traffic Towards Your BLOG?Updated On 23/04/2017Author : Alex CarterTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogIf you are of the view that pulling content daily on your blog and optimizing is key to your success, then you might be wrong, pulling a bunch of garbage daily on your blog is nothing BUT a great loss indeed.The main thing you need is to submit quality content that really Google loves, because blogging is the only better way to communicate with your clients/friends etc.These days people thinking that blog with nothing but a bunch of garbage which are totally unrelated to your business or niche of blog will help you get success. They just thought to pull a lot of content in blog no matter if it is duplicated as well, and interlink them just to get loved by Google, which is never possible t hing.People mainly rely on their blog design which is really not important, what important is unique fresh content and link juice towards your blog. BUT if you are facing all those problems mentioned above below are some tips you must follow to get out of it, try to go through them carefully.Unique and Valuable ContentAs stated million times before that valuable content is just everything what we want, just keep focus on what you are writing about and give proper solution to your readers, because now a days people are finding for some quick tips. Like if someone need information about what you are typing he/she will give you time and try to learn from you, so dont disappoint by making your post irrelevant.READOptimize Your Blog For Visitors In A Short TimeYou Might Consider reading this as well : Tips for writing a great Blog PostSEO The KingRather then writing unique content you must also inform Search Engine spiders that you are existing in the world, by doing some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your blog. For this you first need unique content, because duplicate content is the most hated thing by Search Engines. But dont try to be over smart by adding too many use less keywords because it will dis appoint your reader if your content is not for them.You might consider reading this as well : How TO: Choose A SEO Optimized Domain NamePost ConsistentlyPosting frequently does not mean that you pull garbage in your blog, try to write articles in your niche daily or most probably 3 times a week. Because Google always love freshness, and when you are loved by Google, you are done achieving your destination. So, try to post daily (not garbage but unique content).
Monday, May 25, 2020
Criminal Justice Research Paper - 6315 Words
1. Fred is drunk and driving his dad’s car. Fred is a 21 year old student at Columbia College. Fred rams into a parked car at 10th and Rogers. Thinking no one saw him; Fred moves his car and parks it on an adjacent lot. He sprints to his dorm room in Miller Hall. A neighbor saw the wreck and Fred running to the dorm. Police are called and they arrive ten minutes after the wreck. The officers see several empty beer cans and a bottle of tequila (half full) in the front seat. The tags are traced to Fred’s dad, who is called by police. Dad says that Fred is a student at Columbia College. Police run Freds record and determine that he has two prior DWIs within the past five years. The third DWI in 10 years is a felony. Police contact†¦show more content†¦Determining for sure whether there are grounds to object to the search and seizure requires review of all of the reports regarding the case. Depending on the nature and quantity of the drugs seized, this c ould possibly be a serious case. In any event, the person involved should consult with a criminal defense attorney or, if he cannot afford private counsel, with the public defender if he is charged. Officer had probable cause to affect a traffic stop after he observed defendant following too closely. Defendants and passengers behavior after stop provided reasonable suspicion to expand the detention, and a positive drug dog sniff provided basis for search of vehicle. Im not aware of reason that the interpretation of the 4th Amendment would be any different in Oklahoma than it is in any other state. All states have to follow the US Supreme Courts decisions on 4th Amendment issues. It would be true that once an officer has conducted a pat down search and determined that there are no weapons, he is not allowed to go further in searching without either consent or a warrant. On the other hand, it is not the law anywhere that such a search must be limited to the feel of a gun. Any object which might possibly be used as a weapon can beShow MoreRelatedResearch Paper on Criminal Justice908 Words  | 4 Pages September 8, 2010 English Class The field of Criminal Justice has so many different career paths that anyone can succeed in and it’s for that reason I have picked the Forensic Science path to explore. There are a number of reasons why I have chosen to explore and get an education in this career. The specialization of Forensic Science within the Criminal Justice is right for me because I feel that families should have closure, I feel that people who don’tRead MoreResearch Process and Terminology Essay808 Words  | 4 PagesResearch Process and Terminology This paper is about the terminology used in research and the processes in which are used in research. In this paper the reader will learn how not knowing the proper terminology can have an effect on someone that is trying to conduct a criminal justice research project. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
How Workers Compensation Is Not A New Concept Essay
Introduction Workers Compensation is not a new concept, in fact its origins can be dated as far back as 2050 B.C where it is written in The Nippur Tablet No. 3191 from ancient Sumeria in the law of Ur-Nammu, king of the city-state of Ur. The law of Ur provided monetary compensation for specific injury to workers body parts, including fractures (Guyton, 1999, p. 106). This type of compensation or schedules for payment based on loss continued until the Middle Ages when feudalism became the primary structure of government. During this feudalistic period the feudal lord determined what, if any, injuries were compensable. The Lord had a moral obligation because of their standing had an obligation to care for their workers, this expectation was called the doctrine of noblesse oblige (Guyton, 1999, p. 106). This system continued on until the periods of the industrial revolution. During the early industrial revolution English common law provided the legal framework for compensation in Europe and America. The decision as to whether injuries were compensable were based on three rules: 1. Was there contributory negligence, was the worker responsible for his injury? If so the employer was not at fault. 2. Were the injuries the result of negligence by another employee or Fellow servant? If so the employer was not held liable and 3. Was there an assumption of risk if employees knew the hazards of their jobs they assumed the risk that came along with it. In these instances anShow MoreRelatedManaging An Effective Workforce Ie People Essay1512 Words  | 7 Pagesresources are men, material, machinery and money. Out of these, I believe that ‘men’ ie humans are the most important because they are the ones that effectively and strategically employ and use the other resources/factors of production. 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This paper will identify the research design used in each articleRead MoreOperations of Goodwill Industries International1190 Words  | 5 Pagesthe workers suffered from low morale and poor motivation due to the apparent disparity in the income of top executives and the normal workers. The problem is salaries contrast between presidents and CEO with the rest of the employees. Difference was in the range of a whopping 250% difference. Disparity in CEO and workers compensations The recent global economic crisis and the ongoing Euro crisis have led to several questions being asked on the ethicality of excessive employee compensation, issuesRead MoreEssay about The Study of Public Administration1191 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant to understand in the study of public administration. Professionalism is a concept that describes certain types of public agencies as well as the individuals that work for these organizations. Changes in the way that these individuals are regarded may impact the way in which these administrators function. The concept of professionalism means that workers are specially trained in their field. These workers are required to possess a high level of technical expertise. In these types of organizationsRead MoreCompensation Practice: World Atwork. Name. Institution.1699 Words  | 7 PagesCompensation Practice: World atWork Name Institution Introduction Compensation practices in this study have been used to refer to the remedies that an organization s management chooses to implement in order achieve it set a goal and the same time satisfying the needs and wants of both consumers and employees. 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I believe that pay for performance plan is not a good idea, first of all this may improve the performance of workers but at the same time it might create a competition culture within the organization. And the new culture that was implemented was team culture, which is expressed in the phrase â€Å"Excellence Together†Read MoreControlling Employee Turnover1566 Words  | 7 PagesCapital Page 6 Compensation Page 7 Conclusion Page 8 References Page 9 Abstract This research paper is an examination of literature surrounding the topic of employee turnover. I will attempt to show the relationship between benefits and trends in employee turnover. Evidence supports the fact that there is a statistical relationship between this correlation and employee turnover. This term paper also supports and further solidifies the concept that there is a directRead MoreThe Importance of HRM in an Organization1798 Words  | 7 Pagesliquidity to shore up its balance sheet (Isidore, 2011).Other competitors who cater specifically to the middle class consumer have also lost significant amounts of market share as consumers trade down due to the economy. These contrasting results prove how hiring competent individuals, particularly in the retail industry, can provide great results even in an environment with lackluster demand. Retail is such that constantly changes. Assortments, consumer sentiments, macroeconomic factors, personnelRead MoreBenefits And Benefits Of A Company s Success Or Reputation1179 Words  | 5 Pages As someone who is gainfully employed and currently benefits from the compensation and benefit packages offered by my employer, I feel it is necessary for me to evaluate how critical it is for an organization to provide their employees with benefits and compensations. To learn more about benefits and compensations, including ways it factors into a company’s success or reputation; I will evaluate and compare two organizations, examine commonalties and differences in both organizations benefit packages
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Capitalism Is A Social System Essay - 2034 Words
For several centuries, capitalism, or more precisely free market capitalism has dominated the economies of several developing countries around the world. Capitalism, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as â€Å"an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market†(â€Å"Capitalism†, n.d.). Capitalism is a social system which is based on individual rights in the free market and is run based on the idea of a â€Å"laissez-faire†economy, an economy that is free of government control and intervention. A capitalist system is operated by private corporations in business sectors with the main incentive of gaining profits from the free market through the exchange of consumer goods and services. Therefore, capitalism is generally perceived to allow f or more economic freedom and competition in the market to produce quality consumer goods and services in exchange of commodities, including wage-labour. Generally, as private corporations in various business sectors gain profits in the market, they can then use a portion of their profits to contribute towards further building their commodities. This means that the value of labour increases as workers are provided with higher wages for their labour work. Thus, overall, free market capitalism supposedly allows for all members ofShow MoreRelatedCapitalism And Social And Economic Systems1761 Words  | 8 Pagesthat separates us from the majority of the animal world is our management of social and economic systems. While many political, economic, and social systems attempt to get rid of this form of natural selection, capitalism and related economic structures conserve social inconsistencies in many forms. Based on history, this conservation of financial inequality has attained a better standard of living overall than the systems were originally created for just that. The financial benefits and luxuries ofRead MoreCapitalism is an Oppressive Economic and Social System869 Words  | 4 Pagesis that we live in such a society and the main cause of this oppression of the masses is our economic and social system, Capitalism.     Capitalism is an oppressive economical and social system. It serves as a tool used by the rich minority to oppress, divide and control our society, our relationships and our governments. These divisions created by the capitalistic economic and social system have been blamed for many of the disparities in our society by conflict theory philosophers such as Karl MarxRead MoreThe Works Of Richard Robbins : Global Problem And The Culture Of Capitalism1268 Words  | 6 PagesGlobal Problems and the Culture of Capitalism, and Allan Johnson, Privilege, Power, and Difference, address privilege, inequality, and capitalism through sociological and historical references. Through reading and analyzing these works along with our class lectures it has become apparent that there is a clear relationship between these systems. Capitalism causes and enforces systems of inequality and privilege. Capitalism is able to do this through the construct of social reality, th e matrix of capitalistRead MoreCapitalism : Benefits And Drawbacks Essay823 Words  | 4 PagesCapitalism: Benefits and Drawbacks Every year around christmas, a plethora of angry people proclaim the sins of capitalism. These people claim that America’s fixation on material goods and other key elements of capitalism completely destroy the true meaning of what is supposed to be a holy holiday. They cite the people suffering in other countries who make America’s products, as well as many other credible arguments against the morality of a free-trade market. What these people refuse to acknowledgeRead MoreMarxist Theory On Capitalism And Communism1468 Words  | 6 Pagesthat shape and affect the social life of individuals. Marx studied the work of Hegel, however rejected his predecessor’s focus on ideals because he recognized an essential connection with the problems of society and individuals and the material conditions of the society (Ritzer 2011: 21). Marx employed materialism in two facets of his theoretical work, historical materialism and dialectical materialism. Materialism is a ce ntral component of Marx’s study of Capitalism and theoretical developmentRead MoreThe Obligations Of An Eighteenth Century Merchant923 Words  | 4 PagesSo the obligations of an eighteenth century merchant were not only a financial consideration, but a social contract between peers. Those who fell outside of this social order would quickly find themselves cut off from the other members of their profession. This exclusion from the social fraternity could effectively end a merchant house, so the majority of merchants observed these social relationships with due diligence. Merchants began business ventures for a multitude of reasons; travel, adventureRead MoreIndustrialization Of The Industrial Revolution1214 Words  | 5 Pageseconomies and as a consequence a division of labour was formed. Therefore the capitalist system is seen as a natural consequence of the industrial revolution. The industrial revolution was a period in which societies became industrial due to there being an increase in new manufacturing processes which transitioned from hand production methods to the development of machines and the rise of the factory system. The process of industrialisation largely affected the division of labour due to the increaseRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book What Every Environmentalist Needs Can Know About Capitalism 1194 Words  | 5 PagesBook Review (what every environmentalist needs to know about capitalism) To begin this critical review of this book, the brief and precise introduction and summary of the whole book is needed before discussing with the authors’ main arguments. However, this book is mainly emphasizing the magic relations between the capitalism and current environmental problems. In the other words, while there are some people who argued that the capitalism thinking is necessarily required for addressing all of theRead MoreWorkforce Education : The Nexus Between Capitalism And Democracy780 Words  | 4 PagesEducation: the Nexus between Capitalism and Democracy. She discusses how democracy and capitalism are at odds on the subject. Her article surmises key players in the debate including Thurow, Prosser and Dewey. While summarizing the varying views, she concludes that democracy and capitalism have managed to survive and even flourish together for many years and that human capital is a key component in both views. Summary Wendy Gilpin believes that capitalism and democracy appear to be theRead MoreDisadvantages Of Capitalism1594 Words  | 7 Pagesinto action. The concept of capitalism is a very important concept to the United States and many other countries whose citizens value freedom and independency. Capitalism has many different aspects to it. First, capitalism is a social system. The trade and industry of a capitalist country is based off of private owners and not the government. Capitalism is centered around the rights of the individuals. It allows the individual to make his or her own decisions. Capitalism is usually open to new ideas
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Events of Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac free essay sample
During World War II, the military needed an unbreakable code to keep information from the enemy, which is how the Navajo Marines contributed. They helped develop the top secret code that was used to transmit messages by radio. The men that carried the radios and spoke the language had to endure the same harsh battles as every other marine. My book, Code Talker, by Joseph Bruchac, covered the Navajo Marines in World War II, which had a profound impact on the life of the main character in the book because he was a code talker that fought within the Pacific Theatre.Throughout the novel, there were many historical events that affected my main character. Those main events included the attack on Pearl Harbor, the invasions in the Pacific Theatre, and the bombing of Japan. On December 7, 1941, the Japanese launched a surprise attack on the U. S. fleet in Pearl Harbor, which caused the United States to get involved in the war. We will write a custom essay sample on Events of Code Talker by Joseph Bruchac or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Once involved, the military, including the Navajo Marines, invaded many islands in the Pacific Theatre. Two of those invasions included American victories on the islands of Guam and Guadalcanal.The last main events were the bombings of Japan. On August 6, 1945, an atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima and one on Nagasaki on August 9, 1945. Those two attacks caused Japan to surrender and led to the end of World War II. The main historical events impacted my main character in various ways. The attack on Pearl Harbor triggered the recruiting process for Navajos fluent in both Navajo and English. As soon as Ned Begay, my main character, learned about the recruiting, he wanted to enlist.When the invasions began, Begay had to get a quick understanding of the war. On each island, he dealt with a new situation. He quickly learned his own tactics that helped him to stay alive. With every battle, Ned saw something that would remain in his head and the whole time he was gone, he missed his sacred homeland. The atomic bombings are what caused the relief that spread over him when he was finally able to return. Not only did the historical events affect the characters, they also impacted the setting and the plot.Once Ned Begay had enlisted in the army, he had to travel a lot and visit many different places. For example, he was sent to Fort Defiance for training before being shipped to the Pacific. The marines had to spend a lot of time at different bases on at least eight different islands. With the setting taking place over such a large area, it changed naturally. Lastly, the plot seemed to develop with every setting change. One example of this is losing a character in battle. There were always new goals and conflicts with every invasion.The attack on Pearl Harbor, the invasions in the Pacific Theatre, and the bombing of Japan are all historical events that helped shape the novel. These specific events impacted the main character by causing him to enlist, to learn how to survive as a code talker, and to stay strong until he could return to his homeland. The events also caused the setting to change and the plot to develop. Code Talker, written by Joseph Bruchac, was about a Navajo boy as he fought as a code talker in World War II.
Thursday, April 9, 2020
Nelson Mandela free essay sample
Among the men who have had a profound impact on their countries and the world, men who provided leadership and vision in different eras, with different styles, whom history has shown to have possessed unique courage during challenging times to do the right thing, comes the name of Nelson Mandela who assisted in creating a multi-racial democracy in South Africa. Mandela was elected as South Africa’s first black president, and there were high expectations from him from a country that had long treated its majority citizens as a third-class group. For Mandela, the transition to majority rule had to take place without violence as he knew the world was watching. He knew it would not be easy. Of course, he alone was not responsible for the positive changes that have happened in South Africa, and the country still has a long way to go to overcome the years of a system that was designed to make people suffer. We will write a custom essay sample on Nelson Mandela or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page But Mandela has made a difference. Mandela was the founding member of the ANC (African National Congress) Youth League. It was during his service at the ANCYL that he transformed the organization from its root level, trashing out all the old methods and employing fresh methods of boycotting, striking, civil disobedience and non-cooperation. His main aim was to kill racism, allow full citizenship to people, redistribute land, bestow trade union rights, and provide free and compulsory education for all children. Ironically, his baptized forename, Rolihlahla meaning troublemaker, blended well with his personality over the growing years as Nelson Mandela caused serious trouble to the government of South Africa, through this anti-apartheid movement and revolutionary ways. Inheriting the proud rebelliousness and sense of fairness, from his father, ever since a young age, Mandela was actively involved in anti-colonial politics, which led to his joining the ANC. This admittance was a historic one not only in the life of Mandela but that of every countrymen of South Africa, as it eventually led to a discrimination-free country Inspired by Gandhi and committed to non-violent struggle, Mandela however moved to armed struggle after a phase of time. This was basically due to failure of non-violent protest against apartheid and increasing repression and violence from the state. In his 67 years long political career, Mandela led numerous movements, and was arrested, convicted and imprisoned various times, the longest being the 27 years life imprisonment. He was arrested for illegal exit from the country and sentenced to five years of imprisonment. The imprisonment protracted to become life-imprisonment for Mandela as he was convicted for crimes that had occurred while he was spearheading the ANC struggle. Though he was offered freedom on a couple of occasions in exchange for compromising on his political position, he refused to accept the same. He stood by his opinion according to which personal freedom was of no use if the organization of the people remained banned. However, all the pain he endured was worth it as year 1994 marked the end of apartheid and holding of multi-racial elections. Mandela became the inaugural President of the country, the first black South African to hold the office. This is why he is referred to by numerous titles, including the father of the nation, the founding father of democracy, the national liberator, the saviour, South Africa’s Washington and Lincoln rolled into one. Nelson Mandela is a man who stood firm and took his country from the extremes of apartheid through to democracy. For this he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in1993. He has received more than 250 awards that are in every way honorable, ranging from keys to cities and honorary degrees to the peace prize. Lately the ailing 95 years old Nelson Mandela was presented with a humanitarian achievement award for his contribution to South-South cooperation and sustainable development. The theme of the annual event was innovation and technology for sustainable development. The award sought to highlight the achievements of countries in the Global South, and recognize public and private sector leaders who have contributed significantly to South-South cooperation and sustainable development. In accepting the prize on behalf of their father, Zindzi Mandela and Josina Machel stressed Nelson Mandela’s dedication to wide-ranging cooperation among developing nations. In any Nelson Mandela interview you will find him to be a man of humour, honesty and humility. These are great attributes in any man, but Mandela can be considered among the greats. One of those greats was Gandhi. Mandela paid tribute to Gandhi with these words: He dared to exhort nonviolence in a time when the violence of Hiroshima and Nagasaki had exploded on us; he exhorted morality when science, technology and the capitalist order had made it redundant; he replaced self-interest with group interest without minimizing the importance of self. India is Gandhis country of birth; South Africa his country of adoption. Gandhi and Mandela were like-minded men. There is also a lot of mutual respect between Nelson Mandela and Barack Obama. The latter sent a videoed message to Mandela on his 91st birthday in which he displays the utmost respect for Nelson Mandela and his lifes achievements. To day many associations have shown reverence to Mandela in various ways. Some have put statues of the highly esteemed personality in important places. There is one such statue in Nelson Mandela Square in Johannesburg and one in Parliament Square, London. There are also streets and bridges named in his honour, as well as postage stamps. The Nelson Mandela stadium in Port Elizabeth, South Africa, seats 46,500 and was built in anticipation of the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The Nelson Mandela museum is situated near his home of Qunu. Mandela has insisted that this museum should not be a tribute to just his own life, but to the cause he stood for and to uplift and develop the local community. The Nelson Mandela Childrens fund supports children in South Africa with the aim to change the way society treats its children and youth. The Nelson Mandela Foundation is a huge organisation with the aim to promote a just society built on Mandelas vision and work. Along with many peace and educational activities Mandela has been prominent and outspoken in his effort against AIDS. His son died from AIDS, which is often referred to as the curse of Africa. For Nelson Mandela, AIDS is another war, another impossibility that can still be won. Since 2003 Mandela has supported the 46664 concerts to support HIV/AIDS victims and research. With all the awards and honorary degrees and accolades, Nelson Mandela’s achievements have certainly been more than most men would achieve in a life time. From a young boy, schooled for royalty, to political activist, to prisoner, to President, to honoured scholar and statesman, Nelson Rolihlahla has done so much for the world and will go down as one of history’s greatest men. It is little wonder that July 18 (his birthday) has been named as Mandela Day. His contribution to the world has been significant indeed. Nelson Mandela free essay sample Nelson Mandela is widely known to be one of the most influential people to ever live. He changed South African politics, and fought against racism and inequality throughout his life.BiographyNelson Mandela was born in Mvezo, a small village in South Africa. He was the first person in his family to attend school.He began to get involved in politics when the National Party, which supported the apartheid policy of racial segregation, won the elections. The Merriam-Webster dictionary describes the apartheid as racial segregation; specifically: a former policy of segregation and political and economic discrimination against non-European groups in the Republic of South Africa.As a result, Mandela joined the African National Congress party and began actively campaigning against the National Partys policies. Inspired by Mahatma Ghandi, he used nonviolent methods. However, as time went on and he was no closer to ending apartheid, he changed his methods and began organizing more guerrilla warfare-like sabotage tactics to further his cause and create the change he was looking for. We will write a custom essay sample on Nelson Mandela or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Mandela was on the run for 17 months until he was finally captured and imprisoned in 1962. His imprisonment lasted 27 years.In the late 1980s, there was great pressure from the international and local community for the South African government to release Mandela. He was released on February 11th, 1990. Hours after his release, he made a speech in front a roaring crowd, vowing to end the apartheid, saying: Today the majority of South Africans, black and white, recognise that the apartheid has no future. It has to be ended by our decisive mass action. We have waited too long for freedom.South Africas first multiracial elections, in which full suffrage was granted, were held on April 27th, 1994. Mandelas party won, and he became the first black president of South Africa. As president, Mandela controlled the change from minority rule and apartheid to a rule of equality, winning international respect for his advocacy of national and international reconciliation. Mandela retired from the presidency in June 1999 and he chose to devote himself to social activism.On December 5th 2013, Nelson Mandela passed away at the age of 95. Tributes came from all over the world with U.S. President Barack Obama saying that Mandela achieved more than could be expected of any man. British Prime Minister David Cameron said that a great light had gone out of this world.Mandela was also awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 for for [his] work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa. Good QualitiesPower of public speechA leadership quality of Nelson Mandela is his ability to speak so well publicly. He was able to inspire and give hope to the people of Africa, especially blacks, in a time of great injustice and help them to realize that change could be achieved. He also had the ability to change peoples views on race and other matters especially about injustice and politics. The speech that he made after he was released from prison is just one of the many that helped people realise that change was possible and that if they supported him they could get the equality that they wanted.Sacrifice and Refusal to FailNelson Mandela gave up his life for his cause. He was prepared to live a third of his life in prison and the spend the rest fighting for the rights and integration of black people in the South African community. He dedicated his life to speaking about the importance of equality. This made him a well-known figure however this came with a lack of privacy and great responsibility. Eventually he also gave up his presidency to speak and fight for peoples rights all around the world. Nelson Mandela was faced with many obstacles throughout his life and if he had given up at each one of these he wouldnt have made it out of the village he was born in.Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again Nelson MandelaOpen mindsetNelson Mandela had a thirst for knowledge and attended 6 higher education institutions. In Mandelas own words education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Although Mandela stood strongly by his fundamental moral beliefs, he was also prepared to change his political beliefs. For example, Mandela was a socialist and even a Marxist, and most of his life he was suspicious of private ownership and of free markets because of the abuses hed witnessed. However, after he learnt what decades of socialism had done to the Soviet Union, he wondered if he needed to change his views. Thus, he met the leaders of the Communist parties of China and Vietnam who were working to privatize state enterprises. Mandela told a biographer that they changed my views completely. His ability to grow in his mindset and admit his errors were an important part of making him the leader that he was, as no leader is going to understand immediately what is going to be best for population of a whole country now and in the future.Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world Nelson MandelaFaith in humans – through all the discrimination and injustice that Nelson Mandela faced, he still remained faithful that humans could do better. He believed that even the most racist groups could have their attitudes changed with enough perseverance and strength. Despite all of the injusticesPassionNot wallowingKeeping it peacefulBad Qual itiesTerrorism – although Mandela helped to end the apartheid through peaceful methods and helping to create a more tolerant nation, he was oBibliography
Monday, March 9, 2020
Media & Culture - Sign Symbol Essays - Philosophy Of Language
Media & Culture - Sign Symbol Essays - Philosophy Of Language Media & Culture - Sign Symbol A sign system is representation through communication which in turn leads to a shared meaning or understanding. We hold mental representations that classify and organise the world (whether fact or fiction), people, objects and events into meaningful categories so that we can meaningfully comprehend the world. The media use sign systems through newspapers, magazines, television,internet, and the radio etc. The conceptual map of meaning and language are the basis of representation. The conceptual map of meaning, are concepts organised, arranged and classified into complex relations to one another. The conceptual map of meaning although allows you to distinguish your own individual interpretation of the world, at the same time as holding similar views to that of other people in your culture. As the meaning is produced and constructed and in turn learned by a particular group of people. Therefore sharing conventions and codes of their language and culture. Signs can only convey meaning if we possess codes which allow us to translate our concepts into language. These codes are the result of social conventions which lead to the shared maps of meaning. These shared meanings are learnt unconsciously as we become members of a culture.If we have a concept of something in our minds we can say we know the meaning of this concept. However we cannot express or communicate this meaning without the second system of representation, language. Language is the only way in which meanings can be effectively exchanged between people, as people within the same culture are able to interpret the sign of language in the same manner. As the meanings become natural through the conditioning of culture. For example the word white in Australia represents a colour of purity, however in China it is the colour of death. Demonstrating that different cultures have not only have different meanings in their shared conceptual maps, but a different language to express it. As meanings change rapidly throughout cultures to really understand another culture you must live there and speak the language for some time. Cultural, social, political, and linguistic conventions are learned over time. The three theories of representation, reflective, intentional and constructionist approaches explain how representations through language work. The reflective approach is where language functions as a mirror of the particular elements perceived meaning. The intentional approach, is where the authors individual views of the world are expressed. Whereas the constructionist approach is where we the audience construct the meaning through our shared conceptual maps and language. The media use these sign symbols so that an association can be made to the object, person, event, or idea etc. With this information of representation and language the media can familiarise people with many things, such as cultural knowledge. As advertising surrounds consumers, concern is often expressed over the impact on society, particularly on values and lifestyle. While a number of factors influence the cultural values, lifestyles, and behaviour of a society, the overwhelming amount of advertising and its prevalence in the mass media suggests that advertising plays a major role in influencing and transmitting social values. In his book Advertising and Social Change, Ronald Berman says; The Institution of the family, religion and education have grown noticeably weaker over each of the past three generations. The world itself seems to have grown more complex. In the absence of traditional authority, advertising has become a kind of social guide. It depicts us in all the myriad situations possible to a life of free choice. It provides ideas about style, morality, and behaviour. While there is general agreement that advertising is an important social influence agent, opinions as to the value of its contribution are often negative. Advertising is criticised for encouraging materialism, manipulating consumers to buy things they do not really need, perpetuating stereotyping, and controlling the media. The media must consider the cultural variables of each country, such as the complexity of learned meanings, norms, language, customs, tastes, attitudes, religion, traditions, education, lifestyle, values, and the ethical/moral standards shared by members of each society. These variables must be learnt by the media as not to offend the group they are portraying. Cultural norms and values offer direction and guidance to members of a society in all aspects of
Saturday, February 22, 2020
6. To what extent were womens lives transformed by obtaining the vote Assignment
6. To what extent were womens lives transformed by obtaining the vote in 1918 and 1928 - Assignment Example They had no right for electoral positions in the parliament, and they were also not permitted to vote. It was presumed that women were not required to vote since their husbands took that responsibility on their behalf. Women’s responsibility was taking care of the home and childbearing. During industrial revolution, women became full- time employees which implicate that they had no opportunities to meet in groups to discuss social and political issues. In 1866, organized campaigns for women suffrage started to appear and from 1888, women were allowed to vote in local council elections. John Stuart proposed an amendment that women should be permitted to vote just as men but unfortunately rejected. Voting for women was always considered as an improvement in women’s rights. Many women viewed a vote as an outstanding achievement as that would give them a voice in the laws that were affecting their lives (Lambert, 2015, p.22). For years, women have struggled to achieve equal representation and rights in official activities. The quest for equality accelerated in the 19th century. This is the period when men became actively involved in wars as there was tension all over the world. While their men were away, women served the nation, and they did men’s work in various ways. In 1918, the passed a law that the women should be given a right to vote. This was as a result of the ability they had shown during the period in which their men were away. More women were willing to volunteer to work in ammunitions manufacturing factories, others were willing to take even significant risks being nurses for the wounded soldiers, and others became secretaries and assistants in offices that were used to control war troops among other important roles. Almost every individual who supported the motion of women to obtain voting right plainly said that they deserved it due to their courageous conduct during the period of war. Supporters of
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Money and banking Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Money and banking - Research Paper Example Despite the government’s efforts to prevent the collapse of the banking system, it did not successfully restore economic growth; the United States entered a deep recession in December 2007 that extended up to June 2009 (Kroszner and Melick 6). FED used the three tools of monetary control: open market operation, reserve requirement, and discount rate to counteract the progression of the financial crisis. Figure 1: The Graph showing the financial crisis between 2007 and 2007 (Source: Gowland 33) The graph above shows that there was constant recession between 2007 and 2009. Financial recovery began to be experienced as from march 2009. Open market operation The most appropriate monetary policy that was used to counter the financial crisis of 2007-2009 constituted the increase the monetary base. Open market operation (OMO) is an instrument of monetary policy, which involves selling and purchasing of marketable securities (Stock and Mark 11). These transactions are conducted in the open market by the central bank as an instrument of controlling the monetary system. Open market operations target the cash balances of held by commercial banks and other non-bank financial institutions including their tills and in relation to their excess reserves at the central bank. The central bank sells its holdings of the government securities to commercial banks to reduce excess reserve held by commercial banks. When the central bank anticipates liquidity deficiency, it injects additional liquidity by purchasing from the existing stock of the government securities. Decreasing the monetary base during the 2007-2009 financial crisis involved the reduced supply of credit, which was used to facilitate the adjustments in financial market in order to achieve equilibrium in money demand and supply. The Federal Reserve had to sell large quantities of securities that were necessary to achieve decreased supply of credit (Stock and Mark 22). Fed would also sold high-quality securities to minimize Fed’s credit risk and the public would be informed that the expansion in the monetary base is temporary; thus, the composition of Federal Reserve’s balance sheet and size of the monetary base would be restored to normal after financial markets and economic activity begin to normalize. The Federal Reserve used the tool of open market operations with an objective of supporting proper functioning of credit markets, reduce the pressure on long-term financial markets and make financial conditions accommodative by selling long-term securities for the Fed’s portfolio. Figure 2: The Open Market Operations Graph (Source: Stock and Mark 21) i represents the nominal rate of interest, Dm represents money demanded and Ds represents the money supplied. The Federal Reserve varies the rates of interest to ensure maintenance of demand and supply of money with the aim of preventing financial crises. Discount Rate The second tool of monetary control that Fed used durin g the financial crisis is the discount rate. Under this policy, the bank can borrow reserves from the Federal Reserve at their discount windows (Stock and Mark 18). These rates are set by the Boards of Directors of the Reserve Banks, but the rates must be subjected to determination and review by the Federal Reserve Board. The Federal Rese
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
G-protein Cycle and its Regulation by RGS Proteins
G-protein Cycle and its Regulation by RGS Proteins Julia Weigandt G Proteins, also known asguanine nucleotide-binding proteins, are a family of membrane resident â€Å"go-between†proteins that are important molecular switches in the mediation of GPCR signalling1. In their inactive state, G-proteins exist as heterotrimeric complexes composed of ÃŽ ±, ÃŽ ² and ÃŽ ³-subunits. Upon its stimulation, a GPCR will catalyse the GDPà ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ GTP exchange at GÃŽ ± leading to the dissociation of the trimer complex as a GÃŽ ±-subunit and the GÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³-dimer, both able to interact with a number of effector systems responsible for cellular responses. Upon hydrolysis of GTP to GDP+P by GÃŽ ±, the G-protein mediated signalling is terminated, whereby a group of proteins, the regulators of G-protein signalling (RGS) appear to play substantial role1,2. Every organ system utilises G-protein mediated signal transduction evoking such diverse outcomes as neurotransmission, immunity, cardiovascular function and hormone secretion3. Consequently, GPCRs present a variety of opportunities as therapeutic targets for treating cancer, cardiac dysfunction, central nervous system disorders and pain. In fact, drugs targeting members of this protein superfamily account for 40% of all prescription pharmaceuticals on the market2. GPCRs constitute the largest and most diversefamily of heptahelical transmembrane receptors that receive a signal (e.g. small peptides, lipid analogues, amino-acid derivatives, and sensory stimuli such as light, taste and odour2)from outside thecelland transmit this signal to the cell interior via interactions with G-proteins leading to activation of downstream effector systems4. In mammals 21 GÃŽ ±-subunits, six GÃŽ ²-subunits and twelve GÃŽ ³-subunits have been described5. Depending on their GÃŽ ± similarity, G-proteins are grouped into four main classes: GÃŽ ±s, GÃŽ ±i/o, GÃŽ ±q/11 and GÃŽ ±12/13 which show selectivity with respect to both, receptors and effectors due to the presence of recognition domains complementary to G-protein binding domains in receptors/effectors6. The main targets for G-proteins include adenylyl cyclase, phospholipase isoforms, Rho A/Rho kinases (a system that controls mainly signalling pathways involved in cell growth/proliferation), and the mitogen a ctivated protein kinase (involved in the control of many cell functions such as cell division), and ion channels7,8. In its inactivated state the complex is freely diffusible in the plane of the cell membrane due to fatty acid chain anchors on each subunit7. Stimulation of GPCRs by agonists leads to conformational changes in the receptor resulting in the acquirement of high affinity to the G(ÃŽ ±ÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³) complex. Due to their subsequent association, a GDP->GTP exchange in the ÃŽ ±-subunit will occur leading to dissociation of the G-protein complex from the receptor in form of a GÃŽ ±(GTP)-subunit and a GÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³-dimer. Prior the activation of the G-protein the GÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³-dimer is bound to a hydrophobic pocket present in GÃŽ ±-GDP. GTP binding to GÃŽ ± removes the hydrophobic pocket and reduces the affinity of GÃŽ ± for GÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³9. Both have a signalling function and can interact with various downstream effector systems 7,9. The duration of G protein-mediated effector activation is dependent on the intrinsic GTPase activity of the GÃŽ ±-subunit. GTP-hydrolysis results in dissociation of GÃŽ ±(GDP) f rom the effector to reunite with GÃŽ ²ÃŽ ³ completing the cycle7. Several studies have shown that the kinetics of G-protein signalling are regulated by RGS proteins that can not only act as GTPase activating proteins (GAPs) on GÃŽ ±-subunits hereby accelerating GTP-hydrolysis, but also as scaffolds to help assemble signalling complexes and providing a critical mechanism of regulation of cellular responses10. Over 30 RGS/RGS-like domain containing proteins have been described and classified into nine distinct subfamilies based on primary sequence homology and presence of additional domains, including the A/RZ (prototype RGSZ), the B/R4 (prototype RGS4), the C/R7 (prototype RGS7), the D/R12 (prototype RGS12), the E/RA (prototype Axin), the F/GEF, G/GRK, H/SNX and I/D-AKAP2 subfamilies3,10,11. They differ widely in their overall size and amino acid identity, and many family members possess a remarkable variety of structural domains and motifs that regulate their actions and/or enable them to interact with other binging partners with diverse cellular roles. RGS proteins have a highly conserved RGS domain of 120 amino acids3,11 which allows for selective binding to the transition state of GÃŽ ±(GTP->GDP+P)8 , accelerating the GTP-hydrolysis up to a 1000-fold5,10 by stabilising this transition. Some studies have shown that RGS proteins can also act as effector antagonists by binding tightly to GÃŽ ±(GTP), hereby blocking effector activation5,11. It has been suggested that simple RGS proteins (those of A/RZ and B/R4) have an almost exclusively negative regulatory function acting as modulators of G-protein signalling as for instance shown by the function of RGS4, an effective GAP protein for GÃŽ ±q family members. In mammalian cells RGS4 doesn’t block the receptor and GÃŽ ±q/11-directed inositol lipid/Ca2+ signalling completely but elicit rhythmic Ca2+ oscillations in mammalian cells10, 11. On the contrary, the larger RGS proteins can link active GÃŽ ±s to other signalling pathways and therefore serve as multifunctional integrators. Integration can occur via activation of kinases, recruitment of cellular scaffolds/associated proteins or by direct receptor interactions11. Two of the R12 family members (RGS12 and RGS14) were shown to coordinate components of the Ras/Raf/mitogen-activated protein kinase signalling pathway8,10. RGS proteins display specificity and selectivity in their interactions not only with G-proteins, but also GCPRs, ion channels and other signalling events3,5 which may be accomplished by firstly, differences in GAP activity towards different types of GÃŽ ±-subunits (e.g. RGS19 was shown to interact strongly with GÃŽ ±i1, GÃŽ ±i3 and GÃŽ ±o, weakly GÃŽ ±i2 but not with GÃŽ ±s and GÃŽ ±q5; secondly, the ability to interact with specific GPCRs or with effectors within the GPCR signalling axis directly, due to presence of characteristic structural domains and motifs (e.g. RGS2 and RGS4 bind selectively the 3rd intracellular loop of M2 and M5 muscarinic receptors5); thirdly, by formation of an RGS/G-protein complex that prevents the G-protein from binding its receptor or the downstream effectors; and lastly, by co-expression of the RGS-proteins with its target protein(s) in order for selective interactions to take place. An example is illustrated by the expression of the alternative splice d RGS9-1 and RGS9-2 in entirely different tissues, thus having different functions and selectivity for different targets. While RGS9-1 is expressed in the photoreceptor cell layers of the retina and is involved in the phototransduction pathway by regulation of photoreceptors, RGS9-2 is predominantly found in the brain and shows selectivity for the regulation of dopamine D2 and opioid  µ receptor signalling pathways5. RGS proteins play and essential regulatory role in G-protein mediated signal transduction, being able to regulate a great number of GCPR signalling events with great specificity and accuracy. By fully understanding the mechanisms and the significance of their expression, role and targets it can lead science to advances in the development of novel therapeutic drugs against disorders involving G-protein mediated signalling. References Baltoumas, F. A., Theodoropoulou, M. C., Hamodrakas, S.J.; Interactions of the a-subunits of heterotrimeric G-proteins with GPCRs, effectors and RGS proteins: A critical review and analysis of interacting surfaces, conformational shifts, structural diversity and electrostatic potentials. Journal of Structural Biology.2013;(182):209-218 Filmore, D.; Its a GPCR world. Modern Drug Discovery (American Chemical Society).2004; (November): 24–28 Bansal, G., Druey, K.M., Xie, Z.; R4 RGS proteins: regulation of G-protein signaling and beyond. Pharmacology and Therapeutics. 2007;116(3):473-495 Joost, P., Methner, A.; Phylogenetic analysis of 277 human G-protein-coupled receptors as a tool for the prediction of orphan receptor ligands.Genome Biology. 2002;3(11): research0063.1–0063.16 Xie, G.X., Palmer, P.P.; How regulators of G protein signaling achieve selective regulation. Journal of molecular biology. 2007;366(2):349-365 CABRERA-VERA, T.M., VANHAUWE, J., THOMAS, T.O., MEDKOVA, M., PREININGER, A., MAZZONI, M.R., HAMM, H.; Insights into G Protein Structure, Function, and Regulation. Endocrine Reviews. 2003;24(6):765-781 Rang, H.P., Dale, M.M., Ritter, J.M., Flower, R.J., Henderson, G.; Rang and Dales Pharmacology. 7th ed. UK. Elsevier Churchill Livingstone ; 2012; 3(32-33) Kimple, A.J., Bosch, D.E., Giguà ¨re, P.M., Siderovski, D.P.; Regulators of G-protein signaling and their GÃŽ ± substrates: promises and challenges in their use as drug discovery targets. Pharmacological Reviews. 2011;63(3):728-749 Oldham, W.M., Hamm, H.; Heterotrimeric G protein activation by G-protein-coupled receptors.NATURE REVIEWS | molecular cell biology. 2008;9:60-71 Keinan, D., Yang, S., Cohen, R.E., Yuan, X., Liu, T., Li, Y.P.; Role of regulator of G protein signaling proteins in bone.Front Biosci (Landmark Ed). 2014;1(19):634-648 Hollinger, S., Hepler, J.R.;. Cellular regulation of RGS proteins: modulators and integrators of G protein signaling.Pharmacological Reviews. 2002;54(3):527-559
Monday, January 20, 2020
Population Structure and Economic Implications of Kenya and China :: Papers
Population Structure and Economic Implications of Kenya and China In this piece of text I will be analysing and comparing the population structure and economic implications of two countries. The two countries that I have chosen are Kenya and China. China is a mixture of an LEDC and an MEDC whilst Kenya is a LEDC. You will be able to notice the difference when I give the facts and details of both countries. Population structure is such things as death rate and also birth rate and population spreads. It also shows the amount of people that are a certain age. The pyramid can also show the different trends and patterns of the age groups. Economic implications are the work force of the country and the industries in the countries. Country Status ============== China is a mixed between and LEDC and MEDC as said earlier, this is because the countries has a mixture of areas where some people are not as fortunate as others. The population of this country is around 1.3 billion. By looking at the map below you can see that it takes up a large space of Asia so there is no surprise that there is a lot of people living in the country. Here is a map to show where China is. [IMAGE] [IMAGE] Kenya on the other hand is an LEDC suffering from hunger, disease and dehydration. Kenya’s population is around 32 million which is much lower than China because of different death rates birth rates, infant mortality which will be explained later. Here is a map to show where Kenya is situated. A complete opposite to China in population size and status of the country. Death Rate ========== In China there is a small death rate of 7 per 1000 which is very low. The death rate is low because of reasons such as there is good health facilities which obviously means that people can be treated better
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Christian Worldview Essay
Worldview Part I What is a worldview? â€Å"A worldview, is a response of our heart or inner being; our intellect, emotion or will. It is the total framework we bring to decision-making†(Weider & Gutierrez, 2011, p.51). An example is the Christian worldview. The way we as Christians behave should be in direct correlation with the teachings of Jesus as to how we should live our lives. People who hold to the Christian worldview should act as if everything they do matters. Many Christians these days do not act in a consistent manner to what their worldview is (Keener). Part II The question of Origin, Genesis 1:1 (ESV Bible) shows God creating the heavens and the earth in the beginning. â€Å"God is the infinite, personal, sovereign and good being who created the universe†(Lefebvre, 2011). Isaiah 45:18 (ESV Bible) describes how God created the heavens and formed the earth and create it and intended it to be inhabitated. The question of Identity- Genesis 1:27(ESV Bible) God created man in His own image. Psalm 139:14(ESV Bible) I am fearfully and wonderfully made. It is because we are made in God’s image that sets us apart from all other aspects of creation. This identity with God bestows upon us great distinction. We have to understand as clearly as possible what it means to be created in the image and likeness of God (Naugle, 2010). The Question of Meaning/Purpose- We as Christians believe that our purpose is to do the will of God. John 15:16(ESV Bible) we are appointed to go and bear fruit. In Matthew 28:19(ESV Bible) we are commanded to go and make disciples. Through-out the Bible, God has charged us with being the salt of the earth and light of the world, He has commanded us to go and compel them to come so that his house may be filled. As we can see our main purpose is to live a life that exemplifies Christ and leads others to Him. The Question of Morality- Romans 5:12-14(ESV Bible) sin entered the world. Romans 3:23(ESV Bible) we all have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God. God is the ultimate standard of morality and because of the depravity of man we cannot live up to His standard, thus needing redemption through the blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. The Question of Destiny- it is clear throughout the Bible about our final destination. John 3:16-17, John 5:13-14 (ESV Bible) and many other verses in the Bible make it clear that if we do not put our faith and trust in God and accept the gift of salvation that we will not spend eternal life with Him but rather burn in the lake of fire. God also makes it clear that the gift of salvation cannot be earned Eph. 2:8-9. Part III A biblical worldview should influence the way you think about, treat, and speak to others on a daily basis because we should treat people how we would want to be treated, Matthew 7:12 (ESV Bible). If we are to believe that God created us in His likeness and He commands us to go out and make disciples for Him then we would have to also believe that we should think, treat and speak to others in a Christ like manner on a daily basis. To not do so would make us as Christians look hypocritical in the eyes of non-believers. †¦.treat/interact with the environment and non-human creation? In Genesis 1:26(ESV Bible) God commands us to have dominion over the earth and subdue it. This does not mean that we can ravage the land and kill all the creatures on it. We are to be stewards of what God has given us and that includes the earth and the creatures on it. References Keener, D. (n.d.). What is a worldview?. Retrieved from Lefebvre, M. (2011, April 02). Worldviews-christian. Retrieved from Naugle, D. (2010, February 14). Developing a biblical worldview. Retrieved from Tackett, D. (n.d.). What’s a christian worldview?. Retrieved from Weider, L., & Gutierrez, B. (2011). Consider. Virginia Beach: Academic Publishing Services, Inc.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Personal Statement And American Eagle Campaign Essay
Motivation drives us to accomplish our goals in life. A simple sentence such as I can get through this day. or I can become president. turns into the driving factor that helps us reach our destination. We all have used the I can statement and American Eagle has taken that statement to the next level in their #WeAllCan Campaign. The minute long video features a cast of celebrities in different settings throughout New York like Coney Island wearing a casual style of clothing. Black and white scenes intertwine with color scenes throughout the video, with even a vintage style of film shown. Through the credibility of the cast, the American Eagle Campaign effectively appeals to a target audience of millennials. The campaign uses pathos to create a cause of individuality and speaking out, but only uses those celebrities in a stereotypical way to sell the brand of clothes. This advertisement features a group of well-known millennials from our generation that give an immense amount of credibility to the commercial. It has role models of social media, music, television, and the fashion industry. Some actors that appear frequently are Troye Sivan, an out of the closet gay musician, Hailee Steinfeld, famous actor of Blackish, and Cody Christian, the recurring actor from Pretty Little Liars. This cast shows individuality and the new generation by having different races, sexual orientation, and gender. The ethos in the video attracts not only heteronormative buyers with theShow MoreRelatedBusiness Law Answers4935 Words  | 20 Pagesthis response with witnesses; sworn statements: a motion of summary judgement ï ¿ ½ Unit 2 Review: 1. In tort law, an actor who knows the substantial certainty that certainï ¿ ½consequences will result from an act has intent. TRUE 2. False imprisonment is a tort only if confinement is unjustified. TRUE 3. Mary is accused of slander. 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And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regarding the Second Amendment. ( Formed in 1872 when military leaders were disappointed with the marksmanship of theirRead MoreAF Case5347 Words  | 22 Pagesadvertising because this can also affect the market of AF. IV. Situation Analysis: A. Environment 1. Economic Conditions and Trends The fashion industry is famous for a variety of retail channels such as specialty stores. Gap, American Eagle, J.Crew and Abercrombie Fitch to name a few. In 2003, specialty stores accounted 28.5 percent of all retail sales. In 2005, Abercrombie Fitch has been steadily declining from their inventory turnover ratio when it declined from 4.49 in 2005Read MoreMain Features of the New Deal Essay1683 Words  | 7 Pagesand get Americans earning money again, to protect peoples savings, homes and livelihoods, to provide relief for the ill, the elderly and the unemployed and to get American industry and agriculture running once again. In his first hundred days in charge in charge Roosevelt worked tirelessly to transform America, using new laws, acts and the full power of the government to steer America out of the depression. His first objective was to restore Americans confidence inRead MoreMarketing Assignment Anf6424 Words  | 26 Pagesthe Central American countries of Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. (Open CRS, 2005) This free trade agreement is favorable for apparel manufacturers as it allows tariff free access to the labor market in Central American. Apparel industries can outsource their labor and manufacturing to Central American markets instead of the markets overseas. (Open CRS, 2005) Canada has proposed a similar agreement called the Canada Central American Free Trade AgreementRead MoreCase Study, Gap Inc.2807 Words  | 12 Pagesprovides clothing, accessories, and personal care products for men, women, children, and babies. The first store was opened by Doris and Don Fisher in 1969. Gap also owns Old Navy, Banana Republic, Piperlime, and Athletica brands. The company provides a wide range of family clothing products including denim, khak is, t-shirts, fashion apparel, shoes, accessories, intimate apparel, and personal care product. Mission Statement Gap has no formal vision or mission statement, but the company does have philosophyRead MoreThe National Rifle Association (NRA) Essay1774 Words  | 8 Pagessmall vote for the NRA. Theyre good citizens. They call their Congressmen. They write. They vote. They contribute. And they get what they want over time.(qtd. in The NRA is indeed all of these things, with programs to benefit a variety of Americans, sponsorship of one of Americas oldest sports, and as an organization that will stand up for its political beliefs regarding the Second Amendment. ( Formed in 1872 when military leaders were disappointed with the marksmanship of theirRead MoreAbercrombie And Fitch s Current Csr Policies And Activities2372 Words  | 10 Pages Introduction Abercrombie and Fitch, founded in 1892, is an American clothing company that targets young customers. It is headquartered in New Albany, Ohio, and has over 250 locations in the United States and is expanding internationally. Abercrombie and Fitch is a reputable apparel and lifestyle brand. However, in the past few years, the company’s image has been battered by accusations of discrimination toward minority groups. In this report, I will describe and analyze Abercrombie and Fitch’sRead MoreGap Imc Plan3891 Words  | 16 Pagesin selling clothing, accessories and personal care products. When Gap was founded in 1969, its targeted customers were younger generations (hence the name of the store, which refers to the generation gap of the time). Gap s originally sold signature blue jeans and white cotton t-shirts, but later expanded to include clothing for men, women and children. The product line of the company includes casual apparel like denim, khakis and T-shirts; footw ear, personal care products, accessories and fashion
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